The very first thing you should learn in German is how to introduce yourself. For this, you will need to learn a verb, a pronoun, and basic sentence structure. You will also need to learn some basic greetings. It is helpful to learn the conjugations of new verbs as soon as you learn the verb. This way, you can begin memorizing it right away. This lesson will cover all of these points.
Look at the list of simple greetings and phrases below:
Hallo Hello
Guten Tag Good Day
Guten Morgen Good morning
Guten Abend Good evening
Gute Nacht Good night
Ja Yes
Nein No
Heißen verb meaning “to be called” or “am”
Wie geht’s? How are you?
Wie geht es dir? How are you? (more formal)
Gut good
Nicht not
Sehr very
Und and
Dir/dich you (not at the beginning of a sentence)
Mir/mich Me
Danke Thanks
Bitte please
Wie how
Bis bald see you soon
Bis morgen See you tomorrow
Auf wiedersehen Goodbye
Notice the verb on the chart is “heißen.” This literally means “to be called,” but it is also used for introducing oneself.
Look at the conjugation chart below to learn how to conjugate heißen. Heißen is an irregular verb.
Ich heiße
Du heißt
Er/sie/es heißt
Wir heißen
Ihr heißt
Sie/sie heißen
Now, look at the sample conversation below.
Andrea: Guten Tag! Wie geht es dir?
Markus: Guten Tag! Es geht mir gut, danke. Und dir?
Andrea: Mir geht es auch gut. Wie heißt du?
Markus: Ich heiße Markus. Wie heißt du?
Andrea: Ich heiße Andrea. Freut mich dich kennenzulernen.
Markus: Freut mich auch dich kennenzulernen.
And now, the English:
Andrea: Good day/hello! How are you?
Markus: Good day/hello! I am very fine, thanks. And you?
Andrea: I am fine. What is your name? (Literally, “How are you called?”)
Markus: My name is Markus. What is your name?
Andrea: I am Andrea. Nice to meet you. (Literally, “It pleases me to meet you.”)
Markus: Nice to meet you, too.
This conversation represents a simple greeting and introduction between two people who are near the same age. Therefore, this conversation was somewhat informal. For example, if you wanted to speak formally, instead of saying “Wie heißt du?” you would say “Wie heißen Sie?” Notice that the verb changes because of the pronoun. The pronoun went from you informal (du) to you formal (Sie). Sie is always capitalized when it means you (formal), even if it is in the middle of the sentence. On the other hand, I (ich) is only capitalized when it appears at the beginning of a sentence.
Often times in German, you will see verbs at the end of the sentence. This is usually if there are two verbs in a sentence. In “What is your name?” the structure is the exact same as in English.
Ich heiße Andrea. (ich= I heiße=am Andrea=name).
This will not always be the case! When you learn a new sentence, be sure to note the place of the verb. It can be difficult to get the hang of at first, but you will soon recognize which verbs go in last position and which go in second position (after the subject).
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woooow it seems so cool i’m likin’ it already !!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for the lesson ………
I am happy the lessons are of help for you, Yakoubi 🙂
but the vocabularies without pronunciation are not useful at
all !
You are right. We will add a lesson on pronunciation soon.
Thanks so much for this lesson 🙂
You are welcome, Khaled!
YIKES! This website has some VERY incorrect German grammar.
You DON’T say “Ich bin sehr gut” when asked “Wie geht es Dir?”
You say “Mir geht es gut.”
you have most of the words correct i am certainly impressed also some of it does actually help.
Thank you. 🙂
I found this lesson to be really helpful, because the books I used didn’t explain little facts that are very helpful – like why the verb goes to the end of the sentence in one instant, but not others. I am looking forward to learning German through you 🙂